Saying Goodbye.

A couple of us, including our kids, got together yesterday around 3:30 at our fave Tex-Mex place for an impromptu send-off for Jill and her family. I was kinda numb the entire time...denial, maybe? But we had a good time laughing and cuttin' up and stayed for two hours. I then spent the next three [...]

So, Who Knew?

My total gripe post yesterday made me totally better today! Who knew?I took a couple of Advil PM last night. Wondering why I hadn't thought of it earlier. Because they've been in my bathroom cabinet for awhile. About an hour after I took them, I remembered why...I have serious reactions to all things that ease [...]


I don't ever recall change bothering me more than change bothers the average person.All that has changed now.Change sucks.I would always get impatient with my grandparents about not wanting to do something different, go here or there. I continued with that impatient, lack of grace, with my own parents and in-laws.Now I'm there. I don't [...]

Photos and Life.

We attended a wedding on Saturday. It was one of the most fun weddings ever! There was a lot of laughter and a few mistakes and it was all good, sweet and personable. Just like a wedding should be. During the wedding, Russell ran the sound system. I am an Event Widow. My spouse is [...]