A cold January morning brings many…

thankfuls......my warm home...full of sleeping, grown-up children...Venti bold coffee...procured by my husband while I was still asleep...a gas fireplace...one click and instant warmth...amazing young women who greet me with hugs and laughter......moon-gazing...over-exuberant puppies in the morning ...girlfriends to share life with...the good, the bad and the pain...and the men who love them...second chances...and third...and tenth...soft [...]

Almost a week into January and here I sit…

Some things that are on my mind lately.Yesterday at church, a sweet friend walked up to me and told me she loved my hair cut. I immediately started in with, "oh, I've already had to color it since I got it cut (and colored) three weeks ago!" and "it already needs a trim." And blahblahblah. [...]

A mother-daughter afternoon.

I noticed today that I have been complaining that come August...2014...when we return from Radford University after dropping The Wild Boy off for his first semester of his first year of college...I keep complaining that I won't be "an empty-nester."I will share a secret with you. I don't want to be an empty-nester. Yet. Maybe [...]

Part 2…2014

Today was a really. long. day. After a really. long. night. Very little sleep until about 5:00 am, which coincidentally happened to be when my *could-very-soon-be-ex* husband finally left for work. I feel bad for him...he has a cold and he coughed and snored all night long. He also kept his wife awake. All. Night. [...]

Part 1…2014.

I wrote a post this morning. I hated it. It was my typical yakkity-yak, blippity blah, frou-frou crap. *Sorry for using "Crap"...you know I like to use it now and then. A lot. Today is that day.* So anyway. I scrapped the crap post this morning and went on my merry way taking down the [...]