‘Twas Five Days Before Christmas and all Through the House…

I have a lot to talk about. I will try not to ramble.Too much.I want to say right up front that I have not been depressed this Christmas. I truly have not. But, I just haven't been Christmas-y Susan. Sure, I've been playing music since October and I will continue to play it for a [...]

THE Best *insert anything here* EVER!

Just scrolling through my yahoo emails and noticed a trend. Several subject lines began with..."The BEST (salad, sock people, workouts, weight loss pill, pie recipe, organization tools) EVER!" Several more assured me "The ONLY (recipe, workout, personal plan, husband) you will EVER need! *I made up "husband" but you get the idea*The funny thing is, [...]

If there is cat barf on the Christmas Tree skirt, it must be Wednesday.

I've always had a love/hate relationship with Wednesday. Sure it has a classy nickname, "Hump Day," with an entire commercial dedicated to it. It does signify the middle of the week. If you are a glass-half-full person, that means only two days left in the work week. Or, if you are a glass-half-empty kinda girl [...]