
It had been so long since she had been out of her small, secluded home. She made herself as small as possible as she picked her way through the crowds. Head covered and as low as possible to allow her to see the path through the market place. She avoided touching anyone with even the [...]

May 9, 2020.

As a momma who loves Jesus, I began praying for my children's spouses when I found out I was pregnant. So far, we have two "in-law" children who we now claim as our own, making us a family of seven. This girl was special from the start. Our youngest, Brett, wasn't a big communicator with [...]

May 6, 1991.

Twenty-nine years ago today, I stopped taking the meds that had been keeping contractions at bay for 10 weeks. My body was exhausted, medication keeping me awake at night and restless and anxious during the day. I had been on complete bed rest but, following my 36 week check up, my doc decided it was [...]

May 1, 2020.

At the beginning of each week, on Sunday, and the beginning of each month, my favorite planner, Sacred Ordinary Days Liturgical Year, prompts me to reflect on the week and then the month behind and the week and month ahead. How I did and how I want to do. This is Liturgical Year A. If [...]