Writing. And Sharing. Part Two.

I have asked y'all before, so I won't ask again *but if you want to give me input...that's cool* about topics that you would like to see on This Girl. I'm looking back over all your input and I'm pulling together...A Plan. Not a list. A Plan. Just sounds more...official? We will go with that.In [...]

Writing. And sharing.

I have been writing. Some. Just not for public consumption. I've been taking lots of photographs. Another medium for my creativity. Or maybe I'm just scared to post the thoughts I've written. A little of both, perhaps.So much is happening in my our world right now. Babies growing up. Babies being born. Babies being mourned. [...]

‘Tis the Season to make lists…

Christmas BinderWe are officially in crazy-overdrive-good-golly-it's-the-Christmas-Season here at Smith Abbey. This time of year brings out the uber-obsessive in my OCD and I make lists for all of my lists. Some of the things I'm listing:Christmas presents, of course.Thanksgiving Menu items. I haven't even begun the grocery list for this...just the menu items.Apparently there are [...]