Turning mourning into Gladness.

It's snowing again. Shhhh...don't tell anyone but...I love it. I don't care that it is almost April. It's not that I don't love Spring. I do. A lot. But fast upon the heels of Spring comes Summer and all her in-your-face heat, humidity and 'hey, good luck with that hair gel' nonsense. Don't even talk [...]

If the workmen are here, it must be Saturday and a chocolate pudding recipe.

Y'all. We have had workmen in our house non-stop since the second week in February...TWO-THOUSAND TEN. Okay, that is a slight exaggeration but honestly, I am so tired of it. And there is still another week's worth of work left to do in the master bath. Never mind that since we signed the contract we [...]

Wednesday’s Ramblings.

Several significant things occurred this week. The hallway, forever-to-be-known-as-the-yellow-bathroom was completed. A post will be coming on that soon. The only thing missing is the mirror over the sink. Which I've already decided is going to be too small now. But, for the sanity of my husband and the sanctity of my marriage, I am [...]

A random list and "You are What you Eat"

I've missed my lists. Here is a random one commemorating March 1.1. I love Winter. Snow. Cold. Layers of warm clothes to cover layers of fat and cellulite *maybe that one is just me*. Fireplace. Snuggle-kitties. But what I love most about Winter is Spring. Very often, at least here in the incredibly beautiful Commonwealth [...]