July 2023.

We have had a busy summer. And it is only the last week of July. Today I made my way down to the basement where I have my own little office nook. I have not been sitting down here to read, study, write, etc., because…I don’t know why because to be honest. Maybe I feel like I actually have to accomplish something down here? It is my “serious” space? I have come down here for some online classes, seminars, and webinars. I guess that counts? This morning I made the conscious effort to bring my Bible, journal, prayer book, planner, and commonplace journal back down to my desk and get serious.

We have a break from company for a few days, but life is still busy. We are in that weird space of time where we do lots of things for my dad and have a lot of our own appointments, as well as doctor visits. Nothing serious, mostly yearly check-up appointments, but I feel like we are always on the run and my planner is packed. My long-time bestie, Kim warned me that when I stopped working, I would never stop being busy. She was right. She is always right, but I did doubt her on this one initially. Along with helping Dad, friends, and family visiting, we are also going to Chattanooga for a wedding, and St. Lucia to celebrate our (very big and impossibly numbered) anniversary in September. We are also taking advantage of living in a small town and have added farmer’s markets, small-town events, long drives in the country, and some lake time to our calendars. I have been trying to make a little time for writing.

If you have known me for a while, you know I am a champion procrastinator. I procrastinate everything. The easier it is to finish, the longer I will put it off, which seems contrary, even to me. Not saying writing is easy because it is not. But it is something that comes naturally, and Lord knows I have a lot to say. So why procrastinate? Working with a life coach really helped me figure that out. (Let me know if you need her name and number…she is not specifically a writing coach, but that was our focus together, as well as being life friends.) No need to go into all the whys right now, but basically it is a comfortable place for me, this land of procrastination. Like the rest of me, it is a work in progress with always varying results.

This week, I was finally able to quiet my soul, listen, and get back to studying, journaling, and writing. I highly recommend stopping and listening. I feel calm and complete. Do I have all the answers? Nope. He does not work like that, at least not in my life. I realized, like most women do, that I spend a lot of time doing for others. Being Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Church Volunteer, and leaving being Susan who writes, loves to walk, plays musical instruments, is a voracious reader, and former photographer, as an afterthought. Not complaining at all. We were created to love and serve others. I just tend to forget that I was also created to do those other things as well.

Anyhow, just wanted to catch up with y’all and encourage you to take some time to just sit and listen. Or walk and listen. Or drive and listen. Turning off the outside noise to listen to the Voice that speaks to the heart? I highly recommended it.

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