Are You talking to Me?

The writing seems to be opening up a bit. Whole lot of stuff swirling around in my head to write about, just waiting for a tiny opening to escape. Kind of like acupuncture. Thomas keeps telling me that he is opening up the flow to whichever area he is currently opening the flow to, and [...]

It Doesn’t Count if They are Bible Study Books, Right?

Ahhh....addictions. We humans are woefully addicted, aren't we?Okay. I AM WOEFULLY ADDICTED! To Books. And Coffee. Let's begin with the books this morning, shall we?I HAD to purchase two books. I mean, I ran across them on another blog and they were HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as MUST HAVES if you are serious about your bible studying. [...]

"Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them all."

Like Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), I'm trying to read all of the books ever published. Lofty ambition you say? Okay, really, I'm just trying to PURCHASE all of the books ever published (according to my husband, anyway).I admit it. I am fully, completely, head-over-heels in love with books. All kinds of books. Pretty much any [...]