A question…

Will y'all help me out by answering a few questions for me? I'm doing research on a subject and would like personal content, as well. Answer anonymously, if you would like. Email me privately, if you prefer. I'm not looking to start a war here, I am just looking for your own personal experiences. Here [...]


Today is our Andy's 24th birthday. I woke up this morning crying; missing him; feeling my sister's pain; our entire family's pain. Smiling, also. Remembering the joy of his birth; and in turn, the subsequent births of Andy's cousins, Shawn and Sarah, and his sister's, Courtney and Lindsay and finally the youngest of the group, [...]

A New Game.

There is a new game in town. And it has only taken me 16 years to learn it; 21 if I count the the years playing the old game with The Big Boy and My Girl.This morning, I opened the door to Wild Boy's room and said, very kindly I might add, "we leave for [...]