I woke up this morning feeling grumpy, achy, ugly, weepy, PMSy. I stayed in bed an extra hour snuggling in my warm bed, heated mattress cover on HIGH, listening to the sounds of our oldest two moving about, getting ready for school.There is something comforting about the norm...the schedule...the expected.When the oldest hollered out, "I'm [...]

100 Things…

Since so many of you Joanne insisted commented that I was definitely not anything BUT boring, I decided to plug away at my admittadly already begun 100 Things About Me List. I will stick it lovingly on the sidebar and update as I get around to it. I probably have 75 2 already!Joanne made me [...]

100th Post!

Bloggy Tradition states I must post 100 things about myself. Trust me on this...I am Bor-ring. (But y'all keep posting those 100 things about yourselves because they are NOT boring!)I'm going to use my 100th post for six little words:Happy Birthday Darlin'. I love you.


“You know, My Girl, that God put you in this place, for this purpose, to be relevant in this generation, at this time.”How often does one have the opportunity to say this to one's daughter?I did yesterday morning at 0700 on the way to a long day of working club volleyball tryouts. My Girl had [...]