‘Twas Five Days Before Christmas and all Through the House…

I have a lot to talk about. I will try not to ramble.Too much.I want to say right up front that I have not been depressed this Christmas. I truly have not. But, I just haven't been Christmas-y Susan. Sure, I've been playing music since October and I will continue to play it for a [...]

It’s all about the gifts, baby. Santa, Baby, that is.

I texted The Children this morning and asked them to text me some ideas for Christmas presents for them.So far, I have this response from The Big Boy, "idk. i haven't even looked yet."This response from My Girl, "Don't care. lol. Let you know if I think of something."And, typically, from The Wild Boy, he [...]

Are You talking to Me?

The writing seems to be opening up a bit. Whole lot of stuff swirling around in my head to write about, just waiting for a tiny opening to escape. Kind of like acupuncture. Thomas keeps telling me that he is opening up the flow to whichever area he is currently opening the flow to, and [...]