August 1st…a few days late.

I wanted to have an August 1st post ready to go on, well, August 1st. But when God sends September weather on August 1st and 2nd to the hazy, hot, and humid Commonwealth of Virginia? Ya gotta go with it. We spent hours on the boat; found an awesome diner in Downtown Lynchburg and had some of the best food ever there and spent some quality time with some of our favorites before they headed home to NoVa.

I keep seeing social media posts talking about pumpkin spice lattes (which I love the idea of but I’m a plain coffee/espresso, sugar, cream girl) and how it is “officially Fall.” Ummm. Nope. No. It is not. In fact, August in Virginia is usually brutally hot and that is why we would head to the beach in August. Well, that and the swim team and camps were over by then. I know that some schools are heading back in August, which is just insane to this born in the 60’s, raised my kiddos in the 90’s and 2000’s momma. School should not begin until after Labor Day. The End. But that’s just me and I no longer have kiddos in school. (Actually, I have two in school…Rachel and Shawn both work in schools…that counts, right?)

September will be here soon. September is a new beginning month for me and the first month of the “bers” aka my favorite time of the year! I have already portioned out my current journal pages to last through the end of August so that I can begin a new journal in September. Yes, people do that. I am continuing with my semi-social media pause but have started thinking about writing and social media content for September. We have a trip to Chattanooga in September for a wedding and all seven of us can go! We’ve rented a gorgeous cabin on some (idk how many) acreage with a private lake and lots of trails for hiking and dog walking. Only one pup is coming, the hunting dog who lives wound up like the energizer bunny. September also marks 40 years of marriage for Russell and I. Forty. Years. I mean it seems like it was just the last 10 years that bff Lori would say, “it’s your 25th this year, right?” We are heading to St. Lucia for a week to celebrate. October is packed with visitors, boating, fishing, birthdays, and the arrival of fall. The first grand/great-grand is due November 2 (my sister’s grandbaby), and November and December are full of birthdays. Did I mention I have my Christmas shopping almost done? Do not send me hate mail about it. I started shopping year ‘round a few years ago and honestly, it is my excuse to buy all the things without getting a scolding from the husband of my youth. At least until the AmEx bill comes in.

I have been doing a lot of studying and researching and praying about some new things I feel God is calling me to do. It is exciting and scary. More to come on that this fall.

Thanks for letting me chat about personal life stuff. But I do want to leave you with some encouragement. Something that has helped me sleep better. Maybe. Okay, not really, but in my defense, I’ve not been a great sleeper for the last (stops and figures out oldest child’s age) 33 years. In any case, I went through my social media accounts, and I deleted a lot of accounts I was following and that were following me. Accounts with content that no longer sat well with me. Or they were just downright icky (bots and the like that tag onto everyone). I also accidentally unfollowed a handful of people I know and love personally…watch out for that…hitting that remove button too quickly can do some damage you didn’t intend. And you know, my opinions about things haven’t changed much. But my love for people in general has. We ALL have opinions. We are ALL created with our own unique DNA, thoughts, and feelings. Have our own experiences and trauma. God told us to love others as we love ourselves. To the best of my knowledge, He didn’t add the caveat, “if you agree with everything they do and say.” Oh, by the way, that includes our spouses and family. Again, I’m giving a shoutout to my bestie, Lori, for pointing that gem out to me many, many years ago. Have I stepped back from some toxicity? Absolutely. Boundaries. But I still love those people. Lecture over. Love everyone, the best you can. The end.

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