Friday Five – Things I am Loving Right Now.

Catching up with life friends. Those friends you have known forever. The ones who text you after months as if you have been texting all day, every day. Asking questions about how to make sauce from your plethora of garden tomatoes. The friends who have never let you get away with a thing and their text and tone doing just that makes your heart joyful and your lips laugh with glee. The friends you have done serious life things with. As one of these friends said recently, “We grew up together.” Meeting in our 30’s and now in our 50’s and 60’s…yes. Yes, we did grow up together. Because who doesn’t grow as they grow their children? Who does it alone? I’m not saying it takes a village, although we have used that cliché in our life friend group because it does take community to grow your children well and to grow yourself well. The kind of friends you refer to as family. The ones whose children call you momma and your children them. The friends you can call in the middle of the night and have. The friends you grieve and mourn with. They are the ones I love right now as I sit and picture each of their faces, thinking about the good and the bad we have lived together. I realize what a blessing it is to have friends that truly know you. And still call you friend, even when…no, especially when, you don’t warrant it.

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