My favorite quote from Prince Caspian.

When Lucy sees Aslan for the first time again, she comments that he is so much bigger.

He replies, “I am not (bigger). But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”

I immediately recognized that as a truth about us and God.

As I am growing (in my walk with Him) each year, I am more able to see just how very big, HUGE, He is. Beyond ANYTHING I can ever imagine. Nothing is beyond His ability.

As I’m going thru 90 Days with David by Beth Moore (LOVE HER), I am drawn again and again to David’s faith. David knew, without a doubt, that God was able to do anything, if it was His will to do so.

Oh, to have a faith like that!

Believing. Without any doubt.

Jesus, I ask You to help me overcome my unbelief!

8 thoughts on “My favorite quote from Prince Caspian.

  1. Great insight! I love it! It is so true! As I think about the big-ness of God, it really changes my perspective. Like, He is so huge that He holds our whole universe in the span of His hand, yet he knows the exact number of hair on our heads. He is so huge, yet so intimate. He loves us so deeply and accepts us as we are. Yeah, He is amazing. Him and his big love!Sorry, didn’t mean to preach, I just got caught up in the truth of your post! Love it!Hugs to you Susan!Ter


  2. I was just looking through Prince Caspian the other day to find this quote:“Please, Aslan! Am I not to know?”“To know what would have happened, child?” said Aslan. “No. Nobody is ever told that.” “Oh dear,” said Lucy.“But anyone can find out what will happen,” said Aslan. “If you go back to the others now, and wake them up; and tell them you have seen me again; and that you must all get up at once and follow me–what will happen? There is only one way of finding out.”“Do you mean that is what you want me to do?” gasped Lucy.“Yes, little one,” said Aslan.“Will the others see you too?” asked Lucy.“Certainly not at first,” said Aslan. “Later on, it depends.”“But they won’t believe me!” said Lucy.“It doesn’t matter,” said Aslan.“Oh dear, oh dear,” said Lucy…***But then she goes on to obey and tell the others anyway–despite it not being quite what she expected. I just love that and want to be brave and act like Lucy in spite of my fears of what others think. Because there’s only one way to find out what will happen–and that’s just to “do the thing” (as Beth says!).Love you lots!Joanne


  3. Is 90 Days with David a personal study or a group study? I’ve been looking for a good personal study guide.As for the Narnia books – I like the concept you brought up. I think my favorite line from the whole series, though, is, “He’s not a TAME lion.”


  4. I’ve not heard the bigness quote and will hold that one for a good while. Loved it Susan. And I loved the quote Joanne wrote. I was thinking about C.S. Lewis this morning and reading his thoughts on heaven. Oh my! A friend of mine died this week and a funeral has a way of makig one evaluate where you are with HIM. I so long to see my big God this moment, this year. Thanks you, Susan.


  5. Me too! I want to overcome my unbelief. I want to have the faith of the faithful mentioned in Hebrews 11.Thanks for stopping by, Susan. And for clarifying the pronunciation of your name 😉It looks like we travel in the same blog circles by the looks of your blogroll.


  6. Your blog feels like a breath of fresh air after all the movie reviews I’ve been wading through. I LOVE the book, but was dissapointed not to find my favorite moments included in the movie. Special thanks to Joanne, for the Aslan – Lucy quote. I dug through all my book shelves trying to find my copy so I could read that quote, to no avail. Wonderful to find someone else loving the same passage!


  7. Great thought there! I too was struck by the amazing amount of significance placed within “Prince Caspian” – when before I never could really figure out the “point” (as it were) of the story. I think Adamson and Gresham did a great job this time around. The quote you mentioned was one of my favorites – because you are right – it is so true. In A.W. Tozer’s book “The Knowledge of the Holy”, he says that God is so far above us we can barely comprehend Him. Our lives then are just a journey to get to know Him more – and as we grow, our perception of Him grows as well. *can’t wait for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 2010*


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